『「赤毛のアン」で英語づけ』 何げないものへの〝感激力〟を育てよう
"I guess you're feeling pretty tired and hungry," Matthew ventured to say at last, accounting for her long visitation of dumbness with the only reason he could think of. "But we haven't very far to go now? only another mile."
She came out of her reverie with a deep sigh and looked at him with the dreamy gaze of a soul that had been wondering afar, star-led.
"Oh, Mr. Cuthbert," she whispered, "that place we came through?that white place?what was it?"
"Well now, you must mean the Avenue," said Matthew after a few moments' profound reflection. "It is a kind of pretty place."
"Pretty? Oh, PRETTY doesn't seem the right word to use. Nor beautiful, either. They don't go far enough. Oh, it was wonderful?wonderful. It's the first thing I ever saw that couldn't be improved upon by imagination. It just satisfies me here"?she put one hand on her breast?"it made a queer funny ache and yet it was a pleasant ache. Did you ever have an ache like that, Mr. Cuthbert?"
"Well now, I just can't recollect that I ever had."
"I have it lots of time?whenever I see anything royally beautiful. But they shouldn't call that lovely place the Avenue. There is no meaning in a name like that. They should call it?let me see?the White Way of Delight. Isn't that a nice imaginative name? When I don't like the name of a place or a person I always imagine a new one and always think of them so. There was a girl at the asylum whose name was Hepzibah Jenkins, but I always imagined her as Rosalia DeVere. Other people may call that place the Avenue, but I shall always call it the White Way of Delight. Have we really only another mile to go before we get home? I'm glad and I'm sorry. I'm sorry because this drive has been so pleasant and I'm always sorry when pleasant things end. Something still pleasanter may come after, but you can never be sure. And it's so often the case that it isn't pleasanter. That has been my experience anyhow. But I'm glad to think of getting home. You see, I've never had a real home since I can remember. It gives me that pleasant ache again just to think of coming to a really truly home. Oh, isn't that pretty!"
venture to~=思い切って~する
"I guess you're feeling pretty tired and hungry," Matthew ventured to say at last, accounting for her long visitation of dumbness with the only reason he could think of.
"But we haven't very far to go now? only another mile."
She came out of her reverie with a deep sigh and looked at him with the dreamy gaze of a soul that had been wondering afar, star-led.
"Oh, Mr. Cuthbert," she whispered, "that place we came through?that white place?what was it?"
"Well now, you must mean the Avenue," said Matthew after a few moments' profound reflection. "It is a kind of pretty place."
"Pretty? Oh, PRETTY doesn't seem the right word to use. Nor beautiful, either. They don't go far enough. Oh, it was wonderful? wonderful.
⇒「ちょっときれい!? きれいなんて言葉じゃ、足りない。美しいって言葉でもダメだわ。どっちも十分じゃないもの。ああ、素晴らしかったというのは? そう、素晴らしかった。
It's the first thing I ever saw that couldn't be improved upon by imagination.
It just satisfies me here"-she put one hand on her breast-"it made a queer funny ache and yet it was a pleasant ache. Did you ever have an ache like that, Mr. Cuthbert?"
"Well now, I just can't recollect that I ever had."
"I have it lots of time-whenever I see anything royally beautiful.
But they shouldn't call that lovely place the Avenue. There is no meaning in a name like that.
They should call it-let me see-the White Way of Delight. Isn't that a nice imaginative name?
When I don't like the name of a place or a person I always imagine a new one and always think of them so.
There was a girl at the asylum whose name was Hepzibah Jenkins, but I always imagined her as Rosalia DeVere.
Other people may call that place the Avenue, but I shall always call it the White Way of Delight.
Have we really only another mile to go before we get home?
I'm glad and I'm sorry. I'm sorry because this drive has been so pleasant and I'm always sorry when pleasant things end.
Something still pleasanter may come after, but you can never be sure.
And it's so often the case that it isn't pleasanter. That has been my experience anyhow.
But I'm glad to think of getting home. You see, I've never had a real home since I can remember.
It gives me that pleasant ache again just to think of coming to a really truly home. Oh, isn't that pretty!"
アンはマシューと一緒に通ってきた道に、「街道」(avenue)の代わりに「歓喜の白路」(White Way of Delight)という名前をつけます。それから、自分は、ふさわしくない名前があると、いつも新しい名前を考えるのだといい、孤児院にいた女の子に、ひそかに別の名前をつけていたことを話します。このあたりは、ちょっとユーモラスですね。
It's the first thing I ever saw that couldn't be improved upon by imagination.
茂木健一郎 著
高校一年のときに「赤毛のアン」を原書で読むことによって英語力が飛躍的に高まったという茂木氏。「とにかく最初から最後まで読み通す」ことで、自信をつけて「英語脳」を身につけることが英語力向上の秘訣。本書を一冊読めば英語力も自然とアップし、「赤毛のアン」という物語が持つ魅力にも触れることができます。 名文で「英語脳」を強化する!!